Sunday, January 31, 2010


Damn why do people tell me that I will never amount to nothing on a daily basis. Don't they know that everyone shows up just to see the underdog in the competition. Ha! like i give a rats ass on what people have to say about me. I'm an underdog and underdogs never give up. Just like every underdog that walked on this earth I've got something to prove and i know its not to you it's to me. So watch me as i take each step into that damn coliseum and massacre each contender in the stadium. 5minutes later I'm the damn winner in this fight and i don't even care cause those rumors are dissolving faster than a pill in a soda. even though i am now victorious i am still defeated cause each match that i plan to compete in i will still be the underdog in the beginning and even in the end.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

And the Winner is.......

Death is a new chance to start all over.

Hello bitches all around the world you thought I was dead but alas my story was never told. Bitch I'm Shredder and that bastard Batman are the Ninja Turtles. So Bruce here is your best shot and watch me fall. To bad cause I'm going to resurrect my self from hell and come back stronger than you would've even imagined. Yo bitch you better come with a force stronger than man. So come to this battle of bitter evil with the original Power Rangers, Spider man, Kim Possible,Al Bundy, The Justice League and for the hell of it call in Robin. Cause I'm pretty sure that Nighwing wants to brawl with me for the last time. Wait a minute you got a team known across the world but don't count me out yet cause I've got Lord Zedd, Rita, Mega and Proto man, Stewie, Bart, ha I've got the megazord bitches and even the green candle you bastard so Tommy is with me. I even got Chucky on my side you damn dumbasses. Now where the fuck is Mewtwo ,Invader Zim or even Xana cause I need some dark forces in the power of my hand.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Bartholomew JoJo "Bart" Simpson

Damn oppression wakes up and captures my dark soul. Who ever knew that one sip of beer would ruin my damn life. Now I'm waking up with bitter pain. Why was I ever born in such a fucked up family. All of those baboons are just laughing it up as their crazy antics just accelerate my flow to be more of a bad ass. Damn I wonder if they really know that my life sucks and even if they did I already know that they wouldn't even give a flying rats ass about me anyways. They got Maggi and Lisa and even Hugo get treated better than me and that bastard lives in the fucking attic. Now I'm forced to reek havoc and unwillingly cut my self in the darkest corners of this fucking damn world. Homer you damn bastard we both secretly knew that Flanders would be a better dad than you anyways and why the fuck did we go to therapy. Cause in the end of the day I became badder than ever you damn douche. So now as I take my knife and cut deep enough to painfully die I will finally be able to live the life that I have always wanted in hell. Oh yea every one in the damn Simpson family sleep with one eye bitches cause if I go to hell.You better believe I will drag you down with me as you damn posers as you fucking sleep.

Oh yea you damn punks can get bent and bitches Eat my Shorts!!!