Friday, December 18, 2009


Damn look at all of those fucking bastards. Crying and sobbing like you actually cared about that bitch that died. I know not one of you actually gave a rats ass about my mom . Not even for an inch of your damn lives. Well don't feel sorry cause I never gave a damn about them either and I can sleep with the fact of all of you knowing that. It's a damn shame I have to be in a room full of hypocrites. To bad that none of you actually grew a pair. Since her death cause I'm the only one with the balls to actually dress in all red and feel no damn remorse for what I have done. While the rest of you bitches decide to listen to god and not your conscience and have the fucking urge to dress in all black. Trust me I'm not complaining cause your day will finally have your day to show your true colors. Now seriously look at your selves and you'll see that all the sins that you have acted upon are finally gonna bite you all in your sorry asses. But look on the bright side of all of this .Once I'm done talking at this eulogy all of you will finally die a peaceful death cause I'll be the only one laughing in the end of all of this.

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