Friday, December 18, 2009


Fuck you bitch with all of those damn lies that you just love to tell. Now let me fucking set the record straight like you even give a damn. I don't smoke nor do I condone in doing drugs. Bitch I just love to zone out of my retched life. Now I'm walking across town and seeing all of you damn happy bastards. Frolicking with some damn joy like the world is a happy place to actually live in. Before all of you damn bitches start saying shit about me that don't even add up save your damn breath cause I herd it all before. Now if you don't mind let me just run home and slam my bedroom door shut so I can finally escape from reality and let my subconscious take control of what I need to indulge in my life. You see I don't give a damn what you fucking have to say cause your just wasting some precious air that you will need in the next few years of your life. Just say it cause that's the only way you can actually live with your self right. Now please stop me if I caught you off guard. Drop dead and don't even bother me with your pointless lives again cause the next time you do I'm going to laugh as i blow your fucking brains out.

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