Monday, February 8, 2010

Judgement Day

I walk down a path that somehow feels so familiar. I feel a bit awkward but i know there is no turning back from what is about to come. I feel a bit estranged but i know I've got to do this. Damn going into this war I don't even know what I should expect to see. Well I see now that everyone in my crew is ready to massacre the competition but I'm not really sure about me. So i decide to take a short walk into the city and have flashbacks on what made me the man that i am today. I see the first time to when i broke a window to the first time that I became interested in writing but the best part of this flashback that i see is that all of the 16yrs that I've lived wasn't wasted one inch. Now i feel the sudden urge to walk into that warehouse and show all of those punks that i never lost my touch. So now the only question of the matter is if my flame can still burn as if each word that came out my mouth was a piece of a historical tablet in the universe.

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