Saturday, December 12, 2009

Straight Jacket

Inject, inject, inject, you mutha fucking bitch like it will even work. I think I need some more. I'm kicking and screaming like im a fucking rape victim. Damn spent most of my life bein a fucking crazy psycopath and I never thought that one day in my life Iwould ever go to a crazy house. I see all these bastars seriously trying to drugme up and no I'm higher than a crackhead. Now I broke a damn promise to friend. All I can do is try to resist but nothing is happening because I'm now in a straight jacket.Now I feel like a damn bastard caue I wasn't abel to resist the temptation and now I can hardly breathe. It's funny how this all happened cause if I knew writing about my life would leave me to total destrustion. My eyes are clear and I can see all of those fucking haters that teamed up to put me in isolation. It' funny cause they closedtheir eyes for just a mere second and I pulled a fucking Hudini. Well afterall tat has happened I am actually happy and not mad because since I escaped that peace of shit I can finaly be crazier than ever and this time no one cause stop me. Cause it's no in trying tame a damn wild animal that never wants to change their ways.

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